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The following Human Rights (HR) material help provide an overview of the major socio-legal documents having relevance to the concerns of African Americans and other National/Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities in the U.S.A. The UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent (UNWGPAD), having recently made a comprehensive study of the plight of African Americans in the USA, submitted their findings and recommendations to the UNITED NATIONS (UN) in September, 2016. The US has endorsed a variety of international human rights covenants, resolutions and declarations that have particular relevance to its citizens who are of African Descent. It remains a signatory and supporter of such internationally recognized agreements. There are a host of other internationally sanctioned agreements, resolutions and declarations that are similarly relevant.

Therefore, the US government is required to periodically review (UPR) and report on progress made relative to its attempt to address the historic, systemic and well evidenced disparities, involving all socio-economic indicators of well being, that impact its African American citizenry. In addition to its special consideration of the UNWGPAD Report and the recommendations shared below, the UN General Assembly, along with the US, has also endorsed UN Resolution 69/16 (International Decade for People of African Descent) and UN Resolution 60/147 (Right to Remedy). The UN's historic Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities (1992) also remains a major socio-legal milestone. The following are among the most important documents regarding issues of social justice and human rights, particularly as they concern people of African Descent in the U.S.A.  

UN Declaration on Hunan Rights (HR)

UN Working Group African Descent  - September, 2016 Report to UN General Assembly

UN General Assembly Resolution - Decade for People of African Descent

IHRAAM  Statement to U.S. Department of State   (July, 2015)

UN -  International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

UN - International Covenant on the Eliminations of Racial Discrimination (CERD)

UN Declaration on Rights of Minorities

UN - General Assembly Resolution 60/147

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